Pre-Christmas bustle. Laundry, housecleaning, travel preparations. Should we empty the recyclables before we leave so they don't stink?
Be awake. Be ready. You do not know the hour when the Lord is coming. One more candle lit.
How many sleeps is that left?
Gift lists double-checked. Cards delivered.
A playdate this morning. Deep breath, slow down, enjoy, listen.
The rythym. The breath in, the breath out. The activity to the calm moment.
From home to away, or is it away to Home?
Little girl twirling in her pretty red dress. Little men trying to put up with their mama, protesting trying on their dress clothes. "Just for a second, I need to see if they fit!".
New Years plans. Will attendance be good for the gallery gala?
Dad wants to work on the heating this week. Oh. Is there enough room to work in the basement? You should organize the tools.
Sewing slings. One for a gift. A pretty one for me. Will I have time to do one for Claire? Oh yeah, I wanted to make her some hairbands didn't I.
Did I buy our Christmas Carol tickets? Hmmm. I'm looking forward to that. We should go to the AGNS while we're in town. The kids would like that. Maybe I could talk to their programming coordinator too. Hmmm.
You cut the old Christmas card this way. Then fold that way. Ta da! A gift box!
Can I babysit that morning? Yeah, I can do that. Oh, the cat puked.
Want to get together that evening? Yes. That will be really nice. We'll relax. Talk. Listen. Enjoy.
Steven and Chris had this really nice gift idea. I should do that. Do I have large mason jars? Oh, I should write the boys teachers to tell them they won't be here those days. When is the last meeting for Beavers again?
Whirling, twirling mommy.